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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of AC7VA-7
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
W7NEE-917.8 m 0°2025-02-25 21:22:39 WA4ELK-92.0 km 168°2025-03-13 19:44:21
KG7THF-92.6 km 201°2025-02-25 08:12:24 KB6YAF-74.0 km 162°2025-03-13 00:10:57
HOLLY ANN4.6 km 143°2025-03-13 14:30:07 BOUNDARY POINT5.0 km 149°2025-02-23 21:11:07
TIME OUT5.3 km 147°2025-02-23 20:50:07 KG7OGF-75.8 km 140°2025-03-06 21:40:43
WB7OXJ5.9 km 52°2025-03-13 23:00:15 MY SUSY8.5 km 128°2025-03-01 01:27:17
AC7VA-99.4 km 57°2025-03-08 02:38:08 Teachgeek9.9 km 119°2025-03-13 23:06:08
SEWFLS20A10.2 km 313°2025-02-27 16:02:10 DW478412.8 km 346°2025-03-13 23:03:41
FW577112.8 km 154°2025-03-13 23:00:34 EW416013.3 km 116°2025-03-13 23:00:26
MAKO14.9 km 120°2025-03-08 20:02:30 N7DWV-715.1 km 49°2025-03-10 03:00:34
SANDPIPER15.3 km 111°2025-03-10 20:55:50 N7DWV-415.4 km 54°2025-02-19 06:26:48
GW248015.9 km 75°2025-03-13 23:03:11 KORU16.2 km 119°2025-03-08 14:17:28
POLAR EXPRESS16.7 km 120°2025-02-23 23:20:07 KJ7WSO-916.8 km 30°2025-02-15 22:05:14
ZIVA17.1 km 120°2025-03-08 20:31:30 DW720217.3 km 75°2025-03-13 23:05:18
K7CH-217.6 km 292°2025-03-01 22:21:15 KK7DFL-C19.5 km 291°2025-03-13 23:01:28
KK7DFL C19.5 km 291°2025-03-13 23:01:43 FW946420.1 km 112°2025-03-13 23:03:34
FW852820.8 km 340°2025-03-13 23:02:33 23134620.8 km 117°2025-03-13 23:00:03
FOLIE A DEUX21.0 km 134°2025-02-15 18:24:27 W2ADW-921.7 km 359°2025-03-13 16:05:22
W2ADW-221.7 km 359°2025-02-26 01:59:00 W2ADW-1021.7 km 359°2025-03-04 06:36:57
KJ7LAE-922.7 km 26°2025-03-13 13:45:13 KJ7LAE-422.8 km 26°2025-03-13 13:54:21
N7DWV-222.9 km 67°2025-02-24 06:55:26 N7DWV22.9 km 67°2025-02-18 01:38:30
GW216023.2 km 68°2025-03-13 23:05:26 KB7UVC-923.4 km 35°2025-03-09 20:58:06
KB7UVC-723.5 km 37°2025-02-18 23:55:51 jimscubas24.8 km 208°2025-03-13 23:05:10
W7W/SO07825.5 km 189°2025-02-23 15:09:30 KB7UVC26.1 km 40°2025-03-13 23:05:28
FW909726.2 km 136°2025-03-13 23:00:44 W7PLC26.2 km 154°2025-03-13 00:01:47
K8YFR-926.4 km 147°2025-03-09 23:41:58 N7YGE-627.0 km 58°2025-02-24 17:50:10
N7YGE-927.1 km 58°2025-03-10 20:43:08 KK7YSX-727.1 km 73°2025-03-04 02:15:21
KK7NYX-Y27.2 km 132°2025-03-01 19:49:31 KK7NYX-D27.2 km 132°2025-03-01 19:48:31
KK7NYX-227.2 km 132°2025-02-18 17:22:46 K7HTZ-1027.4 km 117°2025-03-13 22:48:28
K7HTZ-1127.4 km 117°2025-02-18 05:43:21 MARGARET27.4 km 143°2025-02-19 01:15:41
W7W/SO11927.5 km 158°2025-02-20 06:24:24 KL7EU27.7 km 144°2025-03-13 18:25:53
GW161827.9 km 146°2025-03-13 23:03:03 AG7OO-928.4 km 138°2025-02-21 19:18:53
CW297329.2 km 138°2025-03-13 02:33:30 KJ7T-N29.5 km 144°2025-03-13 23:05:08
GW210829.9 km 62°2025-03-13 23:00:40 KK7MCI-730.1 km 148°2025-03-13 12:36:09
DW024930.2 km 121°2025-03-12 08:40:16 GW057930.7 km 144°2025-03-13 23:00:07
KK7NPK-730.8 km 143°2025-03-09 21:38:18 KB8BMY30.8 km 124°2025-03-13 22:40:35
KK7NPK30.8 km 143°2025-03-13 22:42:25 KB8BMY-730.8 km 124°2025-03-08 22:38:16
UCAPK31.1 km 183°2025-03-13 23:01:01 K7CPR31.1 km 183°2025-03-13 22:59:11
VCAPK31.1 km 183°2025-03-13 23:00:34 KK7NYX-1431.1 km 139°2025-02-20 21:22:25
KB7UVC-331.3 km 44°2025-03-12 18:37:31 KK7NPK-131.4 km 143°2025-03-04 06:06:43
EW655232.1 km 159°2025-03-13 23:00:17 KJ7CGD-232.3 km 55°2025-03-01 23:39:46
KG7JGY-932.6 km 184°2025-02-21 23:42:20 W7FWH-532.7 km 40°2025-02-14 13:27:42
KD6VPH32.8 km 161°2025-03-13 23:02:27 FW878232.8 km 161°2025-03-13 23:05:15
KB8BMY-1033.4 km 127°2025-03-13 22:58:57 KI7BAA-833.8 km 128°2025-03-13 23:05:26
WA7C-134.2 km 138°2025-03-12 22:04:39 WA7C B34.2 km 138°2025-03-13 10:21:59
WA7C-B34.2 km 138°2025-03-13 10:22:09 RED BLUFF34.3 km 96°2025-02-26 16:02:12
AI7RJ-1134.4 km 63°2025-03-13 22:41:39 AI7RJ-1234.4 km 63°2025-03-13 22:41:41
WA7C-N34.5 km 138°2025-03-13 22:55:05 KI4TOL-D34.8 km 136°2025-03-13 22:48:16
KI4TOL-N34.8 km 136°2025-03-13 22:48:06 K7TCM-1035.2 km 136°2025-03-13 22:49:13
K7IF-1035.2 km 136°2025-03-13 22:48:38 K7IF-435.2 km 136°2025-03-13 22:48:40
K7AU35.2 km 136°2025-03-10 04:14:21 CW521835.9 km 146°2025-03-13 23:00:23
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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