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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of CW3609
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
N4TR-71.5 km 45°2025-02-17 18:53:55 N4TR-101.5 km 44°2025-02-19 00:14:51
K4FRL-73.6 km 330°2025-03-12 11:03:57 CW52776.7 km 123°2025-03-14 01:55:39
KA4TEV6.9 km 126°2025-03-14 01:54:10 W4SWI-127.3 km 33°2025-03-10 20:02:50
KO4OL-77.6 km 119°2025-03-05 23:52:18 KA2LAC8.5 km 11°2025-03-14 01:55:09
KQ4SCY8.5 km 51°2025-03-08 16:53:42 KA9TQC-29.1 km 53°2025-03-13 01:34:46
KA9TQC-D9.2 km 54°2025-03-14 01:42:25 KA9TQC-99.2 km 54°2025-02-24 16:59:48
GW14449.7 km 234°2025-03-14 01:45:24 KO4VYS10.5 km 41°2025-03-12 21:31:39
KB2QJH11.8 km 39°2025-02-22 05:06:53 KK9H-712.9 km 194°2025-03-13 15:02:44
KA2LAC-713.3 km 23°2025-02-14 01:23:03 WB9YCZ-514.0 km 18°2025-03-14 01:48:40
KN4YDL14.4 km 354°2025-03-14 01:52:59 FW025214.4 km 89°2025-03-14 01:55:28
KR4PI-1014.9 km 64°2025-03-14 01:05:15 KD4NFS-215.9 km 92°2025-03-07 15:18:39
KQ4CNN-D16.0 km 346°2025-03-13 23:50:35 KQ4CNN B16.0 km 346°2025-03-14 01:37:45
KQ4CNN-B16.0 km 346°2025-03-14 01:37:55 KQ4CNN-N16.0 km 346°2025-03-14 01:52:55
KB2UIE16.2 km 74°2025-03-01 23:57:41 W1CJV-716.8 km 53°2025-03-13 01:22:11
KN4KYD-D16.8 km 357°2025-03-14 01:48:50 KR4PI B17.4 km 76°2025-03-14 01:38:13
KR4PI-B17.4 km 76°2025-03-14 01:38:23 W6WHS-D17.4 km 76°2025-03-08 16:18:54
KR4PI17.4 km 76°2025-03-06 22:45:49 KR4PI-417.4 km 76°2025-03-03 20:01:44
N6JDH17.4 km 76°2025-03-04 03:15:20 W4EJW-417.4 km 76°2025-02-22 16:26:10
FW851117.4 km 239°2025-03-14 01:52:10 VY2BIT-ios18.5 km 89°2025-03-08 00:28:56
W8WHK-518.6 km 35°2025-02-17 19:02:57 KO4UBB-719.2 km 68°2025-03-05 18:12:22
N4TR19.5 km 57°2025-03-07 13:50:24 KD4NFS-719.5 km 42°2025-03-13 19:11:24
KD4NFS-419.5 km 42°2025-02-17 06:07:06 KD4NFS-919.5 km 42°2025-03-14 01:55:31
KD4NFS19.5 km 42°2025-03-06 12:07:12 KD4NFS-1019.5 km 42°2025-03-14 01:55:34
KD4NFS-N19.6 km 42°2025-03-14 00:20:19 KD4NFS B19.6 km 42°2025-03-14 01:37:14
KD4NFS-B19.6 km 42°2025-03-14 01:37:24 NK1L-120.0 km 87°2025-03-13 22:50:58
KC6RZW-720.1 km 54°2025-03-10 22:19:44 KN4YDL-D20.8 km 25°2025-03-14 01:46:50
KD2VAR20.9 km 72°2025-03-01 20:23:34 KN4YDL-Y21.0 km 26°2025-03-13 06:33:35
KN4YDL-N21.0 km 26°2025-03-14 01:37:24 KN4YDL-R21.0 km 26°2025-03-14 01:50:31
W4LCO-521.7 km 66°2025-03-14 01:53:39 W4LCO B21.7 km 66°2025-03-14 01:50:03
W4LCO-B21.7 km 66°2025-03-14 01:49:48 W4LCO-C21.7 km 66°2025-03-14 01:49:48
W4LCO C21.7 km 66°2025-03-14 01:50:03 KN4YDL B22.1 km 25°2025-03-14 01:55:02
KN4YDL-B22.1 km 25°2025-03-14 01:55:12 W8WHK-1022.9 km 31°2025-02-17 12:51:35
GW168123.4 km 19°2025-03-14 01:54:28 N4FTD B25.6 km 40°2025-03-14 01:35:23
N4FTD-B25.6 km 40°2025-03-14 01:35:33 KM4OWA-R25.9 km 145°2025-03-14 01:26:25
W4SHB-Y26.0 km 21°2025-03-14 01:52:49 W4SHB-D26.0 km 21°2025-03-14 01:50:59
K8MD-526.5 km 145°2025-02-24 11:39:58 GW437227.1 km 34°2025-03-14 01:52:32
KD2VAR-928.4 km 74°2025-03-13 21:19:59 W4LCO-1030.4 km 134°2025-03-14 01:24:11
KG4WCP30.5 km 75°2025-02-16 16:37:19 KN4EOG-1231.2 km 135°2025-03-12 23:15:48
W2PAX-R31.7 km 140°2025-03-14 01:26:55 KD2VAR-134.4 km 71°2025-03-14 01:40:04
KD2VAR-334.4 km 71°2025-03-10 04:38:58 AE4MQ-934.5 km 358°2025-03-13 19:50:08
WG4K-134.7 km 59°2025-02-14 21:15:25 AC4FL-R35.4 km 148°2025-03-14 01:26:25
N4OIA-535.5 km 79°2025-02-25 23:51:49 W3BAY-935.6 km 133°2025-03-13 22:06:26
FW172236.5 km 137°2025-03-14 01:45:03 KG9B-136.7 km 358°2025-03-13 17:26:23
KG9B-836.7 km 358°2025-03-14 00:15:38 KG9B-536.7 km 358°2025-02-27 20:06:06
N9MEC-736.7 km 358°2025-02-20 19:47:53 WG4K37.4 km 81°2025-03-10 15:38:51
443.600BR38.0 km 41°2025-03-14 01:45:41 W3BAY38.3 km 130°2025-03-04 17:34:06
KD9AER38.4 km 3°2025-03-13 18:29:45 W3BAY-Y39.0 km 131°2025-03-08 16:16:46
N2FSU-R39.3 km 91°2025-02-26 22:49:40 AB4NP-DP39.5 km 150°2025-03-14 01:32:36
GW046939.8 km 83°2025-03-14 01:53:29 146.67-FL39.8 km 150°2025-03-06 00:22:00
EL-4732539.8 km 150°2025-03-06 00:27:25 WB2QLP-R39.8 km 151°2025-03-14 01:27:25
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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