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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of GW3421
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KG4ODC-24.4 km 53°2025-03-08 14:07:53 KE4DYW-94.9 km 315°2025-03-12 16:32:47
GW02125.2 km 356°2025-03-13 22:25:21 ND1J-85.2 km 302°2025-03-13 14:46:20
KO4LCP-Y6.3 km 318°2025-02-23 23:06:45 DW61976.7 km 222°2025-03-13 22:15:51
FW90667.3 km 164°2025-03-13 22:00:04 EW742210.2 km 328°2025-03-13 22:27:04
KC1KAD10.3 km 230°2025-03-13 22:29:01 AE1MS10.9 km 100°2025-02-28 21:46:15
KO4QXW-1511.7 km 308°2025-02-13 04:40:06 KO4QXW-1011.7 km 308°2025-03-10 04:25:03
GW446513.4 km 311°2025-03-13 22:29:39 W4C/WM03314.2 km 116°2025-02-26 15:05:59
DW711014.2 km 8°2025-03-13 22:16:16 K2KJD14.4 km 167°2025-02-28 20:07:08
W4C/WM04414.4 km 167°2025-02-28 16:34:30 KN4QD-1314.7 km 66°2025-03-13 22:24:17
FW685615.0 km 170°2025-03-13 22:15:42 WB4GUD-917.2 km 294°2025-03-13 17:28:59
EW594417.6 km 293°2025-03-13 22:23:10 W4C/WM03918.1 km 356°2025-02-27 13:45:07
KF4RC-118.2 km 356°2025-03-13 22:19:54 W4C/WM06418.4 km 140°2025-02-24 16:59:13
K7HB-1118.9 km 109°2025-03-12 23:46:19 W4C/WM04219.0 km 119°2025-02-18 16:51:28
KQ4WOA-719.5 km 24°2025-03-10 00:41:40 DW763219.6 km 101°2025-03-11 11:02:16
DW279821.3 km 149°2025-03-13 22:30:17 KC4DM-721.9 km 337°2025-03-13 22:15:52
KN4ZOO-1022.0 km 40°2025-03-03 23:59:56 W4C/WM13023.4 km 21°2025-03-07 19:30:06
KL4RL-1523.5 km 16°2025-03-13 21:01:41 KT4WO-1024.0 km 25°2025-03-07 03:35:12
W3WDD-924.1 km 15°2025-03-13 22:10:05 KF4DTL-124.4 km 22°2025-03-13 22:03:06
W4KNA-724.7 km 32°2025-03-03 00:49:24 CW832225.9 km 250°2025-03-13 22:25:34
FW221626.1 km 5°2025-03-13 22:28:45 KF4TLC-926.2 km 278°2025-02-28 21:46:55
W4C/WM08926.3 km 38°2025-03-02 22:36:54 W4C/WM05826.4 km 299°2025-02-28 14:27:33
KN4OK26.4 km 299°2025-02-28 16:14:09 KC4M26.4 km 299°2025-02-28 15:39:11
W4C/WM14727.3 km 26°2025-03-12 15:07:43 KL4RL-728.3 km 23°2025-03-07 20:20:40
EW369228.3 km 280°2025-03-13 22:30:19 FW227329.2 km 5°2025-03-13 22:30:01
W4G/NG02730.3 km 197°2025-03-07 16:34:30 W4G/NG04930.3 km 188°2025-02-14 16:45:12
KS4TY-330.4 km 216°2025-03-13 21:43:15 KJ4OUJ-930.8 km 112°2025-03-13 21:37:59
W4C/WM04731.0 km 96°2025-03-08 15:26:30 KZ4DZ31.0 km 96°2025-03-08 17:02:21
FW321031.3 km 194°2025-02-25 21:36:20 FW431333.5 km 97°2025-03-13 22:30:20
KO4UOF34.6 km 207°2025-02-17 16:19:10 KJ4YLO-1035.1 km 149°2025-03-13 22:00:45
KJ4YLO-535.1 km 149°2025-03-13 22:00:47 FW637036.0 km 284°2025-03-13 22:20:15
GW026336.1 km 183°2025-03-13 22:15:23 K4JJE36.9 km 245°2025-03-13 22:25:21
GW078137.8 km 30°2025-03-13 22:25:35 FW570438.5 km 258°2025-03-13 22:25:31
EW559338.9 km 252°2025-03-13 22:30:04 W4G/NG03138.9 km 205°2025-03-03 17:14:10
FW698139.4 km 154°2025-03-06 16:30:46 FW634539.5 km 154°2025-03-13 22:15:32
CW560240.8 km 40°2025-03-13 22:02:04 FW818940.8 km 248°2025-03-13 22:24:25
KE4BML-742.2 km 246°2025-02-13 12:36:56 kv4ddw-1142.4 km 134°2025-02-23 18:51:48
W9SK-1542.8 km 43°2025-02-22 19:43:56 KD4VIF-542.8 km 100°2025-03-07 07:16:33
W9SK-742.8 km 43°2025-02-20 01:44:48 W9SK-542.8 km 43°2025-03-08 04:42:16
KN4VLT-742.9 km 39°2025-02-20 00:23:57 W4G/NG03543.4 km 239°2025-03-03 15:21:11
FW659743.7 km 134°2025-03-13 22:16:04 FW947444.2 km 134°2025-03-13 22:15:19
K4LI-R44.3 km 284°2025-03-13 22:24:54 FW249144.4 km 174°2025-03-13 22:15:43
GSPSVR40A44.5 km 120°2025-02-16 11:01:24 EW102944.6 km 243°2025-03-13 22:25:46
W4C/CM02245.2 km 34°2025-03-11 15:17:18 W4G/NG05545.5 km 199°2025-03-03 19:13:53
FW324145.8 km 44°2025-03-07 17:30:36 KNCWAYNE645.9 km 41°2025-03-13 22:30:18
GP-KUWOHI46.4 km 340°2025-03-01 22:54:56 FW454346.5 km 52°2025-03-13 22:27:27
KQ4WKR-146.7 km 35°2025-02-20 18:38:18 EW336046.7 km 81°2025-03-13 22:15:52
KQ4WKR47.1 km 33°2025-02-14 05:09:02 KJ4YLO47.6 km 144°2025-03-13 22:26:21
KY4EF-747.6 km 291°2025-03-13 22:30:13 KY4EF-547.7 km 291°2025-03-12 10:54:24
KY4EF47.7 km 291°2025-03-13 22:28:36 KY4EF-247.7 km 291°2025-03-13 22:23:43
N4GSM-R47.8 km 301°2025-03-13 22:24:54 GW359649.8 km 251°2025-03-13 22:28:14
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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