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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of MVA-1
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
145.230-W2.7 km 143°2025-03-08 06:06:26 224.740-2.7 km 143°2025-03-08 06:08:26
N3PBB-53.3 km 67°2025-03-03 18:13:21 145.250-11.9 km 104°2025-03-08 06:06:56
W3WBM-112.1 km 71°2025-03-07 22:07:30 KB3KBR-113.1 km 78°2025-03-08 05:58:08
KB3KBR-813.1 km 78°2025-03-08 03:12:42 KB3KBR-913.1 km 78°2025-03-06 11:36:10
KB3KBR-713.1 km 78°2025-03-08 06:02:02 QRUKB3KBR13.1 km 78°2025-03-08 06:07:08
KB3KBR-1113.1 km 78°2025-03-08 03:07:05 KB3KBR-313.1 km 78°2025-03-07 04:47:36
KB3KBR-1413.1 km 78°2025-03-08 05:45:50 KB3KBR-Y13.1 km 78°2025-03-07 23:25:34
KB3KBR-1213.2 km 78°2025-03-08 03:02:37 KB3KBR-WX13.2 km 78°2025-03-08 06:05:03
KB3KBR-613.2 km 78°2025-03-08 06:06:44 KB3KBR-3113.2 km 78°2025-02-27 14:40:29
KB3KBR-1513.4 km 75°2025-03-08 03:01:13 N3TAA-D13.8 km 69°2025-03-08 05:49:05
FW150814.6 km 65°2025-03-08 06:03:54 KB3KBR-217.1 km 65°2025-03-06 22:42:08
KB3KBR-517.1 km 65°2025-03-06 21:10:25 VENCO17.1 km 65°2025-03-08 06:08:18
QRUVENCO17.1 km 65°2025-03-08 06:03:26 KB3KBR-4017.2 km 65°2025-03-08 05:41:24
K3CRJ20.5 km 181°2025-02-21 04:59:52 K3CRJ20.5 km 181°2025-02-21 04:59:15
BRIDGE-121.1 km 46°2025-03-08 06:07:38 KF0NZY B21.3 km 314°2025-02-11 18:03:32
KF0NZY-B21.3 km 314°2025-02-11 18:03:42 KC3DGM21.5 km 314°2025-03-08 06:08:02
CW640121.7 km 280°2025-03-08 06:07:27 BARKYV23.0 km 201°2025-03-08 05:58:32
DW813628.5 km 249°2025-03-08 06:00:39 145.190-W28.6 km 161°2025-03-08 05:55:26
162.42528.6 km 161°2025-03-08 06:03:26 152.42528.6 km 161°2025-03-03 05:35:29
W3FEW-229.1 km 213°2025-02-07 19:11:13 GW416630.2 km 147°2025-03-08 06:00:18
147.120+W32.8 km 43°2025-03-08 06:07:26 FW963333.1 km 44°2025-03-08 06:04:15
N3GYW-933.2 km 306°2025-02-21 22:56:30 145.130-33.2 km 326°2025-02-21 02:13:22
444.075+33.3 km 326°2025-02-21 02:13:21 444.075-33.3 km 327°2025-02-09 05:51:16
WB2BDI-334.2 km 344°2025-02-13 18:14:11 WB2BDI-534.2 km 344°2025-02-08 07:16:05
WB2BDI-134.2 km 344°2025-03-08 05:18:25 WB2BDI-234.2 km 344°2025-02-13 06:29:39
GW589634.2 km 344°2025-03-08 06:08:34 WB2BDI-734.2 km 344°2025-02-13 04:40:38
WB2BDI34.2 km 344°2025-02-06 08:20:45 KB3ZTO-734.4 km 228°2025-03-07 23:01:16
MERCER34.4 km 228°2025-03-08 00:57:13 KB3ZTO-934.4 km 228°2025-03-08 05:59:23
CRAWCO36.0 km 320°2025-03-06 03:18:08 GW023436.3 km 184°2025-03-08 06:00:56
N3PKJ36.8 km 320°2025-02-14 18:17:38 W3MIE37.0 km 324°2025-02-07 06:08:02
162.47537.1 km 324°2025-03-06 03:18:01 147.21037.1 km 324°2025-03-06 03:13:52
147.210+37.1 km 324°2025-02-21 02:13:19 WB3EGK37.3 km 322°2025-03-08 06:05:37
N3PKJ-537.8 km 323°2025-03-06 03:13:53 N3PKJ-438.2 km 321°2025-02-14 18:38:17
KB3KBR-438.6 km 313°2025-03-08 01:25:42 K3AWS C39.5 km 290°2025-03-08 06:05:33
K3AWS-C39.5 km 290°2025-03-08 06:05:17 KC3IWE-1040.2 km 251°2025-03-08 06:04:44
SHIPEN41.2 km 111°2025-03-08 06:01:21 K3PSG-442.2 km 184°2025-03-08 06:01:03
AC8GU B44.1 km 195°2025-02-19 02:28:45 AC8GU-B44.1 km 195°2025-02-19 02:28:55
KE2EZC-744.3 km 97°2025-03-07 21:28:39 FW563344.7 km 321°2025-03-08 06:05:33
FW736244.7 km 204°2025-03-08 06:08:02 GW208745.0 km 165°2025-03-08 06:04:44
KE3JP45.3 km 279°2025-02-26 02:27:12 KE3JP-345.5 km 281°2025-03-08 06:04:07
145.43045.7 km 270°2025-03-08 05:41:31 444.37545.8 km 270°2025-03-08 05:47:01
K3WRB-C45.8 km 270°2025-03-08 05:50:33 K3WRB C45.8 km 270°2025-03-08 05:50:23
146.44545.8 km 270°2025-03-08 05:42:01 443.42545.9 km 270°2025-03-08 05:45:31
GW059745.9 km 33°2025-03-08 06:00:58 EW593945.9 km 116°2025-03-08 06:00:35
GW415746.6 km 92°2025-03-08 06:00:29 KC3LWI-946.8 km 320°2025-03-08 04:43:06
EW564747.2 km 259°2025-03-08 06:08:14 KT3P47.4 km 254°2025-03-04 19:55:27
KC3WOV-647.5 km 257°2025-02-22 08:02:05 K3VLR-1048.8 km 234°2025-03-08 06:07:05
K3VLR-948.9 km 234°2025-03-08 01:31:39 147.03049.9 km 317°2025-03-06 03:18:37
W3YJ-851.0 km 254°2025-03-04 19:33:24 W3IPA-553.2 km 249°2025-02-19 20:47:15
FW808855.4 km 303°2025-03-08 06:04:21 KB3PQM-N56.2 km 257°2025-03-08 00:38:11
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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