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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of OK1HOL-13
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
OK1HOL-118.3 m 217°2025-03-13 23:45:22 OK1HOL-940.3 m 118°2025-03-13 23:48:58
438.950PR2.2 km 176°2025-03-13 23:38:07 OK1PKR-152.5 km 112°2025-03-13 23:53:27
OK1DWW2.7 km 277°2025-03-06 01:35:00 OK1RQ2.7 km 277°2025-03-11 04:13:38
OK2PZ-52.8 km 12°2025-03-13 23:43:30 OK1FXF3.2 km 26°2025-02-23 15:12:55
OK9DMR-D3.2 km 29°2025-03-13 23:40:06 OK7ST-73.3 km 328°2025-03-03 06:03:35
OK9DMR-83.3 km 29°2025-03-07 16:14:09 OK7ST-i3.4 km 328°2025-02-28 12:47:38
OK7W-13.9 km 331°2025-03-11 23:17:00 OK1IG-74.1 km 168°2025-03-12 05:28:08
DW57854.6 km 240°2025-03-13 23:50:28 OK0HCS B4.7 km 244°2025-03-13 23:50:50
OK0HCS-B4.7 km 244°2025-03-13 23:51:00 OK0HCS-14.9 km 240°2025-03-13 23:49:33
OK1LOL-215.0 km 211°2025-03-13 23:49:10 OK1FRN-95.0 km 119°2025-03-13 23:49:11
OK1ZXS-155.1 km 51°2025-03-13 23:39:54 OK1FXF-i5.1 km 189°2025-02-26 15:04:22
OK1COM-85.4 km 126°2025-02-23 15:58:32 OK1COM5.4 km 126°2025-03-12 19:09:47
OK1TOT-165.5 km 268°2025-03-13 07:04:36 OK1KKY-125.5 km 113°2025-03-13 23:40:45
pda_dm-i5.6 km 251°2025-03-01 14:03:06 OK7W5.6 km 189°2025-03-11 23:04:09
OK1VCF-46.0 km 173°2025-03-13 23:33:09 OK1VCF-86.0 km 173°2025-03-13 23:50:37
OK1VCF6.1 km 173°2025-03-13 16:37:49 IKQKTM6.1 km 221°2025-03-07 11:19:43
SQ2KTH-76.2 km 237°2025-02-20 20:04:32 EW92026.4 km 187°2025-03-13 23:46:08
OK1COM-106.4 km 109°2025-03-13 23:34:02 OK7W-37.1 km 258°2025-03-11 23:14:06
OK1BT-37.1 km 117°2025-03-07 12:07:37 LKKB7.1 km 71°2025-03-13 23:31:02
OK8GG-108.5 km 116°2025-02-22 13:41:29 OK4MD-98.6 km 185°2025-02-17 20:00:41
OK4MD8.6 km 184°2025-03-13 13:13:05 OK1CNN-98.6 km 192°2025-03-13 23:39:03
OK1MDX8.7 km 178°2025-03-07 18:20:05 OK1MDX-L8.7 km 178°2025-03-13 23:47:01
OK4MD-58.8 km 184°2025-03-13 13:56:41 OK4MD-218.8 km 184°2025-03-13 23:48:39
OK4MD-48.8 km 184°2025-02-24 12:48:47 OK1AVK9.0 km 178°2025-03-08 20:27:15
OK4RM9.0 km 47°2025-03-01 10:27:28 OK2ZAR-559.2 km 143°2025-03-02 12:31:16
OK1SE-129.2 km 197°2025-03-13 23:40:22 OK1HBP-159.3 km 214°2025-03-13 23:44:24
K1TOT-159.3 km 156°2025-03-08 08:44:12 OK1MX9.3 km 155°2025-02-28 14:42:59
OK5KV9.7 km 193°2025-03-10 18:59:27 OK0DPH-109.9 km 142°2025-03-13 23:43:28
ok1vhb-i10.1 km 148°2025-03-13 13:04:14 PrahaLibu10.4 km 181°2025-03-13 23:18:50
OK1DJO-910.8 km 237°2025-03-07 17:30:12 OK1DJO-310.9 km 237°2025-03-13 23:41:02
OK1TOT-1511.6 km 194°2025-03-13 18:12:02 OK1HOT-212.8 km 246°2025-03-13 23:48:46
OK1IFE-1313.0 km 337°2025-03-08 17:44:07 DO2XY-713.1 km 201°2025-02-19 14:43:53
LKVO13.4 km 344°2025-03-13 15:02:09 LKPR13.4 km 270°2025-03-13 23:32:03
SP3UQH13.5 km 173°2025-03-01 10:56:37 OK1TOT13.8 km 193°2025-03-11 04:39:53
OK1KZE-613.8 km 187°2025-03-13 23:50:07 OK1KZE-114.0 km 188°2025-03-13 23:44:39
OK1KZE-1014.0 km 188°2025-03-13 23:24:01 UP0R9214.2 km 246°2025-03-10 06:54:21
OK1VRA14.2 km 249°2025-03-08 06:13:40 OK1XED-1515.7 km 282°2025-03-13 23:00:16
815.9 km 208°2025-03-07 09:20:15 OK4AB-818.3 km 219°2025-03-12 13:37:44
OK4AB-1218.3 km 219°2025-03-13 17:01:16 OK4AB B18.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:54:56
OK4AB-B18.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:55:06 OK4AB-N18.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:43:16
OK4AB-518.3 km 219°2025-03-09 14:58:55 OK4AB-618.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:55:15
OK4AB18.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:50:30 OK4AB-718.3 km 219°2025-03-13 19:40:29
OK4AB-918.3 km 219°2025-03-12 12:54:26 OK4AB-Y18.3 km 219°2025-02-22 20:30:00
OK4AB-418.3 km 219°2025-03-08 13:47:15 FW391518.8 km 189°2025-03-13 23:50:56
OK1TAZ-419.2 km 285°2025-03-12 18:03:03 OK4FD19.2 km 194°2025-02-21 12:07:47
OK2MDM-Y19.6 km 206°2025-03-10 10:20:36 OK1LPD-619.6 km 206°2025-03-13 23:47:04
OK1LPD-1019.6 km 206°2025-03-02 06:23:25 OK2MDM-819.6 km 206°2025-03-13 16:24:33
OK1LPD19.6 km 206°2025-03-03 17:25:52 OK1ALF19.6 km 127°2025-02-18 20:47:30
OK1LPD-219.6 km 206°2025-03-13 23:52:29 OK1ALF B19.6 km 127°2025-03-01 18:49:30
OK1ALF-B19.6 km 127°2025-03-01 18:49:40 OK1LCD-819.6 km 206°2025-03-13 17:52:48
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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