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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       Completed generating statistics (took 0.034 s).
Stations near current position of W4HSV
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KB9ORF-91.5 km 167°2025-03-08 18:34:05 KQ42QC-M2.0 km 22°2025-02-28 00:55:34
KC4TNC-52.0 km 345°2025-02-24 22:28:06 KC4TNC-102.0 km 345°2025-03-07 01:02:56
KL7AF-93.2 km 133°2025-03-07 18:10:49 FW12253.3 km 256°2025-03-08 19:25:08
KL7AF3.6 km 321°2025-03-08 19:29:19 FW47024.3 km 220°2025-03-08 19:30:56
KJ4DWX-54.5 km 149°2025-02-28 18:23:35 DW89534.5 km 316°2025-03-08 19:30:54
W8LN-74.6 km 132°2025-03-07 17:32:09 KJ4OVR-24.6 km 140°2025-03-07 13:22:46
K4PLT-25.1 km 243°2025-03-08 19:23:34 K9PTR-75.3 km 141°2025-03-01 17:05:36
KM4VVN-85.6 km 151°2025-03-08 19:11:23 N4NOV-95.8 km 142°2025-02-17 23:07:24
KQ4VYY-96.1 km 295°2025-03-07 17:18:30 KQ4VYY-76.4 km 300°2025-02-16 05:01:20
KY4G-106.4 km 334°2025-03-08 18:38:54 KC5ZJO-17.0 km 242°2025-03-08 19:30:03
K3FRK-77.1 km 85°2025-03-02 17:38:38 K4MIE7.6 km 103°2025-03-02 19:30:49
KQ4BNO-97.7 km 103°2025-03-01 16:03:29 AE4FQ-i7.9 km 260°2025-02-13 17:44:11
FW94448.1 km 250°2025-03-08 19:30:29 KJ4DWX8.3 km 223°2025-02-21 02:22:51
KN4RSB-C8.5 km 232°2025-03-08 18:56:39 K4DOH8.6 km 121°2025-03-08 19:23:59
HFEST-17H8.6 km 113°2025-03-08 19:21:29 HFEST-18H8.6 km 113°2025-03-08 19:21:32
W4A/HR0068.7 km 40°2025-02-21 22:03:14 KN4TAP-78.8 km 109°2025-02-17 18:59:52
KK4CIV B8.9 km 109°2025-03-05 01:15:04 KK4CIV-B8.9 km 109°2025-03-05 01:15:14
N8WJE9.0 km 273°2025-03-08 19:25:03 EW27489.3 km 230°2025-03-08 19:30:09
KK4LPO-i9.3 km 120°2025-02-14 17:51:48 KI4KWR-Y10.1 km 262°2025-03-08 19:15:35
KI4KWR-D10.1 km 262°2025-03-08 19:15:25 KI4KWR10.1 km 262°2025-03-08 19:13:12
KI4KWR-110.1 km 262°2025-03-08 19:30:01 KI4KWR-910.1 km 262°2025-02-19 18:09:05
KI4KWR-510.1 km 262°2025-02-23 12:18:41 W4ZFR-1010.1 km 243°2025-02-09 01:55:07
KI4ITI-910.4 km 213°2025-02-26 13:35:39 W4A/HR01110.4 km 163°2025-02-26 21:37:39
KD4JSA-510.4 km 343°2025-03-06 19:56:10 EW804110.6 km 120°2025-03-08 19:30:34
K4MJR-911.1 km 94°2025-03-08 19:32:04 KJ4LAB B11.1 km 240°2025-03-08 19:24:57
KJ4LAB-B11.1 km 240°2025-03-08 19:25:07 GW515611.2 km 89°2025-03-08 19:31:55
FW805011.2 km 101°2025-03-08 19:30:49 KZ4DJC-Y11.6 km 199°2025-02-17 21:02:31
KH6RD-512.5 km 160°2025-02-26 14:22:15 KL7AF-812.6 km 167°2025-03-07 14:04:16
N4HSV-1012.9 km 106°2025-03-08 18:42:22 N8DEU-713.1 km 102°2025-03-08 19:21:11
KO4BLE B13.2 km 200°2025-03-08 19:30:33 KO4BLE-B13.2 km 200°2025-03-08 19:30:43
KO4BLE-Y13.2 km 200°2025-03-08 19:18:56 KO4BLE-D13.2 km 200°2025-03-08 19:27:54
KO4BLE13.2 km 200°2025-02-16 01:42:13 N8DEU-113.2 km 102°2025-02-10 01:17:48
147.22HSV13.3 km 109°2025-03-08 19:21:16 146.94HSV13.3 km 99°2025-03-08 19:21:18
WA4BPS13.4 km 96°2025-03-08 19:32:06 145.33HSV13.4 km 96°2025-03-08 19:21:22
KG4CSQ14.4 km 132°2025-03-07 01:09:42 AC9TR-615.0 km 94°2025-02-20 16:09:08
KN4MUD-915.0 km 140°2025-02-28 23:50:55 GW439115.4 km 288°2025-03-08 19:27:20
W4A/HR00215.6 km 96°2025-02-24 06:33:19 KY4LV-915.8 km 84°2025-02-10 19:10:23
DW918615.8 km 128°2025-03-08 19:31:06 KG7VQH-416.2 km 287°2025-03-08 18:45:15
KQ4NPA-Y16.7 km 143°2025-03-03 23:05:05 AI4QT-1117.2 km 137°2025-02-08 16:10:00
AI4QT-417.2 km 137°2025-03-08 02:45:40 AI4QT-517.2 km 137°2025-03-08 01:48:30
AI4QT-417.2 km 126°2025-03-07 14:54:34 AI4QT17.3 km 137°2025-02-10 00:45:18
KF4BOG-Y17.4 km 91°2025-03-07 14:36:55 N4BCX17.4 km 82°2025-03-08 19:27:21
AI4QT-717.4 km 137°2025-02-20 18:15:59 KX4AT-617.5 km 135°2025-03-08 19:19:17
KX4AT-417.9 km 137°2025-02-07 04:58:09 W4HBO-418.4 km 127°2025-02-15 13:51:45
K2ATL18.6 km 39°2025-03-01 23:48:30 KX4AT-318.7 km 135°2025-02-07 21:01:09
AG4OS18.7 km 264°2025-02-26 21:56:37 KM4ESU-318.9 km 147°2025-03-08 16:13:24
KX4AT-819.0 km 134°2025-02-28 23:58:33 GW447819.5 km 359°2025-03-08 19:30:07
WB9UCA19.8 km 138°2025-03-05 00:41:32 K4OC-720.0 km 120°2025-03-07 22:21:06
AB4ZC-D20.2 km 140°2025-03-08 19:21:52 KM4ESU-1120.4 km 145°2025-03-06 22:20:00
KV4AN-120.5 km 353°2025-03-08 19:09:19 KV4AN-720.5 km 353°2025-02-19 23:29:50
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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