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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of BLUE PHOENIX
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
CHEMROAD POLARIS143.4 yards 324°2025-01-21 12:16:43 SAFEEN STRENGTH248.4 yards 65°2025-02-05 17:40:45
CY VICTORIOUS256.2 yards 66°2025-02-06 19:45:38 KST STELLAR375.5 yards 163°2025-02-06 23:06:17
XT BRIGHTNESS381.8 yards 17°2025-01-17 00:50:46 HY AMBER392.9 yards 93°2025-02-07 22:22:10
OPUS POINT434.0 yards 95°2025-01-16 04:42:11 YOKOSUKA SPIRIT518.5 yards 165°2025-02-06 17:04:41
DING HENG 30525.8 yards 55°2025-01-30 05:30:20 OLYMPIC SEA0.3 miles 181°2025-02-06 23:41:37
LAUREL0.3 miles 79°2025-02-07 21:32:33 ELANDRA BAY0.3 miles 120°2025-01-25 22:39:13
CLEANSEAS PROGRESS0.4 miles 100°2025-02-03 16:38:37 PEARL MELODY0.4 miles 253°2025-02-07 13:59:30
BIG FISH0.4 miles 87°2025-01-09 13:08:43 PETROLIMEX120.5 miles 100°2025-01-14 17:02:39
PSA GEMINI0.5 miles 103°2025-02-07 20:57:14 TIAN SAN CARRIER VII0.5 miles 98°2025-01-27 22:16:55
KST PASSION0.5 miles 89°2025-02-07 09:02:43 VOLANS0.5 miles 82°2025-01-17 11:40:46
CHLOE0.5 miles 252°2025-02-06 15:36:04 LEADERSHIP0.6 miles 95°2025-02-07 15:01:50
JMS SATRIA0.6 miles 110°2025-01-29 08:45:15 ALJALAA0.6 miles 113°2025-01-16 01:18:39
RIVERSIDE0.6 miles 112°2025-02-07 17:49:26 SEA LOYALTY0.7 miles 83°2025-02-07 22:34:12
BEI HAI QI LIN0.7 miles 104°2025-01-11 19:24:41 PETROMAX0.7 miles 92°2025-01-27 10:09:43
PETREL PACIFIC0.7 miles 105°2025-01-25 12:06:01 GOLDEN PIONEER0.8 miles 117°2025-02-07 21:22:10
STAR TITAN TG830.8 miles 80°2025-02-07 21:12:20 PACIFIC DEBBIE0.8 miles 103°2025-02-07 02:28:36
CMA CGM LISBON0.8 miles 81°2025-01-26 13:32:51 STRAITS GEMILANG0.9 miles 85°2025-01-30 12:00:55
RUBICON NN220.9 miles 87°2025-02-07 21:10:52 LS JUPITER0.9 miles 113°2025-01-20 12:16:57
ZMAGA1.1 miles 85°2025-02-07 21:47:51 CMA CGM HERMES1.1 miles 327°2025-02-04 07:31:07
IRIS LEADER1.1 miles 312°2025-01-26 05:17:15 MARINE FUTURE1.1 miles 331°2025-02-07 06:58:14
STRAITS INTEGRITY1.2 miles 299°2025-02-06 14:34:14 CAPE KORTIA1.2 miles 338°2025-01-24 21:49:17
APL BOSTON1.2 miles 306°2025-01-13 19:47:07 PSA SUSTAINABILITY1.2 miles 343°2025-02-07 03:16:44
NORMAND BALTIC1.2 miles 70°2025-01-18 04:00:04 SINAR SABA1.2 miles 296°2025-02-06 21:08:50
CMA CGM THALASSA1.2 miles 335°2025-01-15 19:34:08 SEA RELIANCE1.2 miles 335°2025-02-03 19:09:36
PSA FALCON CS071.2 miles 76°2025-02-07 22:33:15 ELBE1.2 miles 356°2025-02-07 17:31:27
KST PRIDE1.2 miles 85°2025-02-07 09:10:00 SEASPAN YINGKOU1.2 miles 357°2025-01-17 10:38:39
SIERRA NEVADA HWY1.3 miles 340°2025-01-18 19:00:45 SALVADOR EXPRESS1.3 miles 316°2025-01-17 18:25:16
CMA CGM AFRICA ONE1.3 miles 317°2025-01-09 01:12:34 SEA BRILLIANCE1.3 miles 285°2025-02-06 07:50:22
XIN CHANG SHU1.3 miles 355°2025-01-16 14:51:22 APL MIAMI1.3 miles 1°2025-01-19 13:31:50
BOW TITANIUM1.4 miles 292°2025-01-09 18:05:12 CRYSTAL ARION1.4 miles 289°2025-02-07 21:39:42
DAEDALUS LEADER1.4 miles 294°2025-01-26 17:21:46 RENA P1.4 miles 6°2025-01-29 10:26:31
CF ATHENA1.4 miles 289°2025-01-23 03:30:23 SINAR SULAWESI1.4 miles 354°2025-01-26 21:13:06
JIN HAI YING1.4 miles 5°2025-01-25 23:13:03 EF OLIVIA1.4 miles 3°2025-01-22 01:38:33
FLORA DELMAS1.4 miles 6°2025-01-23 19:04:16 LIAN HUAN HU1.4 miles 86°2025-02-07 21:05:26
ECO YOSEMITE PARK1.4 miles 360°2025-01-15 19:53:53 SAEHAN ASTRO1.4 miles 297°2025-01-26 11:53:21
CNC TIGER1.4 miles 8°2025-01-23 05:41:47 CMA CGM NANSHA1.4 miles 4°2025-01-17 03:38:47
PSA THOR CS031.4 miles 6°2025-02-07 21:58:18 HAI SOON 321.5 miles 7°2025-02-07 21:27:19
PILOT 111.5 miles 6°2025-02-07 15:06:38 3530840001.5 miles 4°2025-01-28 09:25:11
PSA TAURUS YS521.5 miles 349°2025-01-30 23:23:49 KST DRAGON1.5 miles 350°2025-02-02 06:59:38
CULTURE1.5 miles 83°2025-01-27 05:32:52 GLOBAL HIGHWAY1.5 miles 2°2025-02-06 01:01:40
METHI BHUM1.5 miles 8°2025-02-06 16:07:42 EVER FINE1.5 miles 7°2025-01-23 02:14:48
CHEMROUTE SKY1.5 miles 83°2025-01-12 09:29:12 SAN GIORGIO1.5 miles 15°2025-01-27 02:27:03
TAICHUNG1.5 miles 283°2025-02-05 17:02:24 ADVANTAGE PORTOFINO1.5 miles 9°2025-01-15 18:54:58
5255018311.5 miles 8°2025-01-30 23:41:46 FOREVER BRILLANCY1.5 miles 16°2025-02-07 16:13:40
LITA ADVENTURER1.5 miles 10°2025-01-17 03:17:37 PROMETHEUS1.6 miles 80°2025-01-14 05:37:00
TAC DAYTONA1.6 miles 5°2025-01-16 02:27:21 TOTAL ENERGY1.6 miles 6°2025-02-07 22:39:39
WAN HAI 5051.6 miles 10°2025-01-24 15:01:05 COSCO AQABA1.6 miles 10°2025-01-16 22:14:40
EVER EAGLE1.6 miles 12°2025-01-23 09:28:15 GRAZIA COSULICH1.6 miles 211°2025-02-07 16:27:45
FLOURISH1.6 miles 275°2025-02-06 15:08:20 LUISELLA COSULICH1.6 miles 8°2025-02-05 11:20:07
MPA GUARDIAN1.6 miles 7°2025-02-07 17:59:07 BOW PLATINUM1.6 miles 359°2025-01-29 10:51:57
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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