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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of KATHERINE WILLIAMS
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
JACKE M26.1 m 67°2025-03-08 20:06:06 CAPT TONY ICE60.0 m 11°2025-02-12 14:33:39
DANIEL WISNER109.2 m 49°2025-02-27 01:55:37 MON TA116.6 m 47°2025-02-27 00:17:04
MIKE MITCHELL185.1 m 219°2025-03-09 15:30:09 BRIAN O'DANIELS215.5 m 49°2025-02-17 17:55:57
MARK L DUPLANTIS215.6 m 228°2025-03-05 16:51:59 CELA CENAC222.8 m 48°2025-03-09 03:14:34
MISS DESTY273.0 m 43°2025-03-10 07:06:49 ANDREW C277.0 m 303°2025-03-09 14:31:41
DELTA RULER278.9 m 305°2025-02-21 03:12:47 SYDNEE TAYLOR292.8 m 48°2025-02-24 02:29:54
ELIE CHERAMIE293.8 m 239°2025-02-14 11:50:16 DONNIE SONIER359.1 m 54°2025-02-23 19:19:43
CAROLINE FRANCES360.5 m 219°2025-02-11 19:42:50 MACY LYNN384.6 m 223°2025-03-09 01:12:39
BETSY BLESSEY385.0 m 52°2025-02-14 05:24:37 EMILY A. HEBERT407.7 m 205°2025-03-06 20:51:53
JOHN WILLIAMS427.3 m 52°2025-03-10 00:24:03 LYDIA465.6 m 209°2025-03-06 14:36:25
STANLEY T480.4 m 204°2025-03-11 03:09:37 CHERYL ANN486.3 m 206°2025-02-23 03:06:18
A.B. CENAC498.1 m 50°2025-03-04 20:19:33 KRISTY DUTSCH510.8 m 205°2025-02-15 07:16:02
DJP II529.1 m 207°2025-03-02 17:28:13 CAPT. GLENN ANTHONY543.4 m 207°2025-03-04 22:45:33
FRIGG545.9 m 203°2025-03-02 01:04:49 COASTAL WARRIOR549.3 m 209°2025-03-07 21:57:03
BROOKE550.3 m 209°2025-03-05 01:05:33 LIL AL CENAC555.3 m 51°2025-03-09 02:31:08
RIVER DIAMOND556.3 m 207°2025-03-09 22:17:00 KIMBERLY HIDALGO562.4 m 51°2025-03-07 20:43:23
HERBERT J PLAISANCE567.2 m 206°2025-02-28 02:24:02 GO BEAR580.9 m 204°2025-03-09 05:50:08
STEPHANIE DANN581.0 m 205°2025-02-23 03:14:16 RIO GRANDE586.7 m 208°2025-02-22 17:33:27
BRETT MATTHEW594.2 m 208°2025-03-03 01:06:30 INTEGRITY596.2 m 204°2025-03-10 14:39:08
DIXIE605.0 m 204°2025-02-28 15:29:30 ALLIE BROOKE DEVALL606.3 m 205°2025-03-05 11:30:19
CROSBY CARRIER611.4 m 204°2025-02-12 03:33:17 ROGER F WICKER614.8 m 204°2025-03-10 10:11:07
LADY JUNE619.0 m 208°2025-03-10 05:53:00 SHANNON MARY626.7 m 205°2025-02-25 02:58:00
LISA636.8 m 206°2025-03-07 17:24:18 LEISA GAIL STRAFUSS637.4 m 204°2025-02-28 11:09:58
LANA JO KLIEBERT640.8 m 205°2025-03-07 16:22:40 HOUSTON FORET664.2 m 205°2025-03-09 14:53:14
TEDDY MEYER705.6 m 53°2025-02-18 21:21:31 JEFF KINDL710.7 m 203°2025-03-09 19:19:46
MISS ADELYN720.5 m 203°2025-02-12 20:31:10 MAC ANDREW MCKINNEY727.6 m 203°2025-03-01 06:53:00
MISS CHRISTY727.7 m 204°2025-02-13 12:04:32 LOUIE LEONE730.5 m 53°2025-02-18 18:11:53
SETH D733.8 m 204°2025-02-21 10:34:09 T.H.KELLY736.4 m 203°2025-02-22 22:21:17
LITTLE BOB737.1 m 203°2025-02-11 06:00:19 SQUEAK CARPENTER742.8 m 204°2025-02-24 03:47:19
GYSGT BASILONE746.8 m 203°2025-03-08 17:57:20 BRADY DAWSON751.8 m 203°2025-02-21 03:49:24
SYDNEY ANN754.5 m 204°2025-03-01 02:53:40 DEAN755.3 m 204°2025-02-26 13:18:58
CROCKETT756.0 m 203°2025-03-03 08:09:41 DISCOVERY756.2 m 204°2025-02-17 02:39:34
JAMES DAVISON763.5 m 204°2025-03-09 23:53:47 FRANCES SWAYZE765.2 m 204°2025-03-02 22:20:57
CAPT JIMMY WARREN768.7 m 204°2025-02-24 11:34:52 ASHLEY DANIELSON778.4 m 203°2025-02-15 23:30:00
MAGNOLIA778.5 m 204°2025-02-18 03:08:18 HOUMA786.7 m 204°2025-03-11 06:34:08
JOHN R WILLIAMS790.6 m 204°2025-02-18 18:06:38 MISS GABRIELLA798.0 m 203°2025-02-10 22:39:53
BRIAN HAMILTON802.1 m 203°2025-02-27 18:07:52 RED RIVER EXPRESS804.8 m 203°2025-03-06 21:48:23
CITATION810.3 m 203°2025-02-11 21:13:28 BERDON LAWRENCE813.4 m 54°2025-03-02 13:01:24
ST THOMAS814.3 m 203°2025-02-27 23:36:53 368205350815.9 m 203°2025-02-20 17:13:36
MISS THERESA824.7 m 203°2025-03-02 12:46:09 GRAYSON847.1 m 203°2025-03-02 21:55:30
NEVA CALLAIS921.8 m 52°2025-02-15 02:15:43 MASTER TYLER927.3 m 55°2025-02-15 13:48:15
SCOTT CAMP950.9 m 53°2025-02-26 03:09:33 STEVE RICHOUX991.6 m 53°2025-02-14 12:30:23
BRANDY NICOLE993.7 m 53°2025-02-19 21:42:45 LAVACA1.1 km 203°2025-02-20 07:50:05
CAPT FRANK STALLINGS1.1 km 202°2025-03-06 03:01:59 JAX1.1 km 54°2025-02-23 14:52:40
SALLY B1.2 km 54°2025-02-22 19:01:16 NICHOLAS1.2 km 202°2025-03-11 05:25:58
MISS KERRILYN1.2 km 202°2025-03-07 10:30:26 JOE B WARD1.3 km 200°2025-02-23 00:54:51
DRUM BAY1.4 km 201°2025-03-08 16:52:54 RALPH C1.4 km 201°2025-03-11 04:31:34
INDEPENDENCE1.4 km 54°2025-02-26 10:06:11 MR. MILTON1.5 km 54°2025-02-16 12:40:47
JOHN BOOZMAN1.5 km 200°2025-03-03 20:25:26 JAIME DEVALL1.5 km 53°2025-02-18 03:44:26
ST. MATTHEW1.5 km 200°2025-02-22 04:44:31 BIG EDDIE1.6 km 200°2025-03-01 10:27:29
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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