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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of ELIZABETH M II
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
KOTA PRIMROSE187.9 m 118°2025-01-18 06:19:41 COSCO HAMBURG200.4 m 187°2025-02-12 04:12:19
JIN AN200.7 m 297°2025-02-11 11:13:30 LION213.8 m 36°2025-01-14 09:44:55
CAPE BREEZE223.1 m 63°2025-01-29 14:57:51 GINGA LYNX239.5 m 187°2025-01-15 05:32:32
OASIS DOLPHIN244.4 m 230°2025-02-03 03:51:43 SSI DILIGENT287.5 m 98°2025-02-06 14:47:57
BOMBER 1201299.3 m 217°2025-01-20 04:36:00 FRATERNELLE319.0 m 147°2025-01-24 00:42:06
KAZIMAH III326.9 m 136°2025-01-17 20:02:51 533000089367.6 m 197°2025-02-05 19:45:21
STELLAR INDIGO393.8 m 183°2025-01-15 21:36:09 PERTAMINA GAS CASPIA419.1 m 182°2025-01-18 02:28:26
ZHONG GU LIN YI425.9 m 173°2025-02-10 07:45:41 CAPTAIN SPIRO431.7 m 353°2025-01-13 22:39:58
BLOOM HALO441.9 m 144°2025-01-27 19:39:56 YANGZE 6444.7 m 135°2025-02-06 22:25:23
MIRACLE461.4 m 198°2025-01-27 23:28:14 GREEN WAVE467.0 m 199°2025-02-12 00:59:33
NSU SIRIUS475.7 m 181°2025-01-14 09:18:19 TB1000-07483.9 m 85°2025-02-05 07:14:07
GINGA MERLIN493.4 m 180°2025-01-17 03:13:51 MTM VANCOUVER509.6 m 130°2025-01-14 10:31:29
ETAJIMA519.3 m 194°2025-01-20 05:17:25 ATHINA531.9 m 99°2025-02-06 22:39:51
MV IONIC SPIRIT532.5 m 14°2025-01-23 20:19:50 CHIKUMA551.5 m 328°2025-02-11 14:06:45
CI YUN SHAN555.2 m 185°2025-02-11 20:38:50 273290390555.7 m 172°2025-02-03 03:32:02
SHENG HANG HUA 16564.9 m 193°2025-02-12 13:28:49 SARI INDAH575.1 m 189°2025-02-04 09:51:54
DIYYINAH-I580.4 m 63°2025-02-12 05:29:14 GAS LAURA603.4 m 187°2025-02-01 16:26:01
GAS IVORY605.1 m 101°2025-02-06 00:23:07 GFS GISELLE618.1 m 189°2025-02-05 06:05:42
COSPEARL LAKE622.8 m 158°2025-01-17 09:27:42 FYLA624.4 m 192°2025-02-08 08:49:46
OMICRON EAGLE629.3 m 73°2025-01-17 16:10:14 SANTA CRUZ I632.7 m 344°2025-02-09 10:29:57
SAMUDA644.3 m 104°2025-01-27 00:07:56 MARAN MARS646.0 m 352°2025-01-16 02:31:04
SEASCOUT647.0 m 330°2025-02-11 21:01:55 CLIA653.8 m 189°2025-02-06 03:24:07
SAKURA FORTUNE658.0 m 53°2025-02-11 22:12:40 KAPITAN MASLOV661.9 m 96°2025-02-10 20:36:22
ASLAF672.0 m 163°2025-01-15 15:38:53 EVER BLISS686.3 m 176°2025-02-11 06:46:48
SEASPAN DUBAI691.1 m 131°2025-02-03 02:30:23 LEGEND I696.3 m 67°2025-01-15 12:46:36
TAO TREASURE699.7 m 107°2025-02-10 15:04:16 KYNTHOS700.6 m 188°2025-01-27 11:43:27
DANAOS706.3 m 54°2025-01-27 04:19:49 HELENE MAERSK716.7 m 155°2025-02-11 14:06:14
KRENOM717.4 m 155°2025-02-11 18:31:12 QUANTUM STAR731.1 m 174°2025-01-15 22:45:11
MV INDRAWATI735.3 m 172°2025-02-10 19:59:30 SCARLET STORK740.8 m 162°2025-02-10 10:46:00
AKAKI748.5 m 190°2025-01-25 22:21:07 BBC LEER756.5 m 174°2025-01-16 11:26:17
VERITY767.1 m 186°2025-02-02 00:26:38 KOTA JAYA777.1 m 88°2025-02-11 14:34:57
DAI THANH785.2 m 169°2025-02-11 15:04:10 HAWK793.1 m 161°2025-01-27 04:01:21
THAI BINH 02796.9 m 186°2025-02-03 07:21:47 MARAN LIBRA804.7 m 213°2025-01-17 04:30:36
GLORY DYNASTY805.8 m 161°2025-02-10 10:29:37 SAMSARA828.8 m 33°2025-01-22 00:59:38
SUNGKIANG831.0 m 110°2025-02-12 07:04:05 CLEAN OCEAN849.0 m 120°2025-01-23 15:31:37
GASCHEM WERRA853.8 m 206°2025-02-07 19:32:33 DARNIA855.1 m 123°2025-02-11 21:39:20
GLOBAL APOLLON858.1 m 116°2025-01-22 09:26:00 636024551858.3 m 108°2025-01-15 19:43:42
CHRISTIANA P872.9 m 227°2025-02-05 14:47:56 TAVISTOCK SQUARE882.3 m 277°2025-01-28 09:41:30
MERATUS JAYAGIRI884.3 m 115°2025-02-10 20:36:22 ORIENT CENTAUR889.5 m 52°2025-02-11 18:07:07
SCHUMI889.9 m 223°2025-01-20 05:38:08 SHENG DA HENG QIANG906.7 m 46°2025-01-18 15:11:36
BULK PROVIDENCE906.8 m 231°2025-01-22 10:34:44 SEA LUCK III915.4 m 224°2025-01-23 12:06:23
SHOHO MARU920.2 m 117°2025-01-15 15:59:50 636023579930.8 m 93°2025-01-16 12:48:07
SILVER HESSA938.7 m 26°2025-01-26 06:17:21 GERDA MAERSK954.6 m 225°2025-01-22 11:18:56
XH NAVIGATOR956.9 m 181°2025-01-31 16:40:28 MONT FORT959.8 m 222°2025-02-11 18:46:35
TB PISCES966.8 m 42°2025-01-16 01:03:11 CLEAROCEAN MIRACLE967.2 m 223°2025-01-26 11:56:33
GEORGE ISLAND988.4 m 108°2025-01-23 17:23:55 5670719001.0 km 111°2025-02-11 21:27:32
JAG AARATI1.0 km 167°2025-01-14 09:45:56 LILAC1.0 km 219°2025-02-01 21:59:55
ADVANTAGE VERITY1.0 km 112°2025-01-15 22:50:17 HT GOLDEN1.0 km 219°2025-01-31 02:14:16
DAS1.0 km 126°2025-02-12 07:44:34 TONSBERG1.1 km 120°2025-01-23 07:18:31
CAPE VALENCIA1.1 km 39°2025-02-11 03:34:54 CALM LAKE1.1 km 137°2025-01-20 02:03:22
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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