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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of VIVIAN
callsign distance last heard - EST      callsign distance last heard - EST
BUXLINK1.0 miles 333°2025-01-30 15:28:22 ARIA1.1 miles 188°2025-02-04 02:24:39
LUCIEN GA1.2 miles 2°2025-02-06 10:24:34 SFL THELON1.3 miles 113°2025-02-06 10:16:51
BREB COURAGEOUS1.7 miles 98°2025-02-05 00:39:06 XIN XIN SHAN1.7 miles 124°2025-02-06 08:17:40
ALPHA HERMES2.1 miles 200°2025-02-04 04:30:02 SHENG HUA WAN2.2 miles 107°2025-01-29 11:57:03
SEA HORSE2.2 miles 299°2025-01-14 20:13:06 EPIC BALI2.3 miles 280°2025-02-04 07:37:13
ALAKAS I2.5 miles 111°2025-02-04 01:34:46 SNP SPACE2.5 miles 253°2025-02-04 08:09:41
AK GLORIOUS2.6 miles 297°2025-02-04 19:14:32 RESKO2.6 miles 292°2025-02-04 13:36:17
SPARTA II2.7 miles 106°2025-02-04 14:16:06 VALCADORE3.0 miles 120°2025-02-05 12:59:02
HIZIR3.0 miles 114°2025-02-06 05:35:01 TAURUS HONOR3.5 miles 297°2025-01-08 14:22:48
FATIH3.6 miles 120°2025-02-04 03:54:51 WILSON DUNDALK3.8 miles 117°2025-02-04 13:49:13
ORIENTAL ACACIA4.2 miles 289°2025-02-05 22:33:32 SIDER KING4.4 miles 284°2025-02-06 12:58:47
LEA I4.4 miles 293°2025-02-05 16:20:39 ENDURANCE4.6 miles 284°2025-02-04 03:25:54
HUA DA 6094.6 miles 281°2025-02-05 03:39:35 AMELAND4.8 miles 291°2025-02-05 20:21:30
MED ARCTIC5.0 miles 128°2025-02-06 12:58:47 STENA FORTH5.0 miles 132°2025-01-14 01:18:14
LABRADOR5.1 miles 128°2025-02-02 20:05:08 NAFSIKA5.1 miles 284°2025-02-04 02:23:05
THERESA LIMA5.5 miles 289°2025-02-05 03:17:57 KEREM5.5 miles 295°2025-02-06 02:45:01
NAVIGATOR GRACE5.6 miles 300°2025-02-05 22:26:48 ACHILLEAS S5.7 miles 291°2025-02-01 22:41:57
COHIBA5.8 miles 299°2025-01-12 12:10:44 TEX5.9 miles 302°2025-02-04 19:59:06
REK ROYAL5.9 miles 121°2025-02-01 02:12:37 TM HAI HA 5686.0 miles 52°2025-02-06 02:05:30
HYUNDAI JAKARTA6.1 miles 294°2025-02-05 17:51:53 ASG ANNA VOVCHUK6.1 miles 300°2025-02-02 23:23:46
MANASSA MIRA M6.2 miles 98°2025-01-27 09:32:30 CLEAN IMPERIAL6.2 miles 292°2025-02-03 10:49:51
KATE C6.6 miles 132°2025-02-05 18:30:10 ELBE6.7 miles 286°2025-01-23 17:45:29
FALCON-UA6.9 miles 286°2025-01-27 14:54:29 SEAWAY K7.0 miles 288°2025-01-10 07:40:29
HISTRIA IVORY7.1 miles 303°2025-02-02 14:27:51 MOANA BAQ7.5 miles 296°2025-02-04 02:09:03
MINOAN DIGNITY7.5 miles 106°2025-02-04 21:00:31 NEXOE MAERSK7.7 miles 299°2025-02-05 20:55:12
MAERSK CLEVELAND8.0 miles 300°2025-02-06 13:18:50 TANGO REY8.0 miles 288°2025-02-06 09:43:52
FRONT FUSION8.1 miles 294°2025-02-05 20:19:25 BUNDU8.2 miles 287°2025-02-06 11:35:35
GAS DEFIANCE8.3 miles 170°2025-02-06 13:49:11 LNG SAKURA8.5 miles 40°2025-02-05 08:23:29
AVALON 1018.5 miles 290°2025-01-19 19:01:24 VERTOM LISA9.0 miles 110°2025-02-06 13:47:38
DIMITRIS P9.2 miles 41°2025-02-06 13:47:38 MARMOR9.3 miles 296°2025-02-05 07:36:27
IVS KNOT9.5 miles 2°2025-02-03 16:38:04 ECE NUR BAYRAKTAR9.5 miles 256°2025-02-06 13:49:11
NISSOS IOS9.5 miles 291°2025-02-04 06:14:56 OBIRIX9.6 miles 285°2025-01-12 23:22:01
SAMOS10.0 miles 126°2025-02-04 03:42:58 HULDA MAERSK10.0 miles 296°2025-01-29 16:49:30
SUNNY VISTA10.0 miles 289°2025-02-05 07:35:56 HISTRIA AMBRA10.4 miles 302°2025-02-04 22:56:05
OCEANIC PRAISE10.4 miles 294°2025-02-06 06:37:21 NORMAN10.6 miles 330°2025-02-03 19:01:38
STELLAR TRADER10.8 miles 325°2025-02-02 19:57:57 EYUP10.9 miles 289°2025-01-30 00:02:24
ANDAMAN SKIES11.1 miles 294°2025-02-03 01:24:46 ESTRELLA11.2 miles 291°2025-02-05 09:28:05
AC VICTORY11.3 miles 290°2025-02-03 18:26:26 LARA11.3 miles 122°2025-02-01 04:47:38
TEMIRO11.6 miles 293°2025-02-04 10:38:18 MAZURY11.8 miles 146°2025-02-06 13:49:11
ULUS11.8 miles 290°2025-02-06 06:19:50 PROGRESS IV11.8 miles 113°2025-02-04 16:08:39
MYRTE11.9 miles 121°2025-02-06 00:22:31 GANDOLF12.2 miles 208°2025-01-15 00:00:44
DELONIX12.4 miles 292°2025-01-27 14:20:41 ASPHALT SYNERGY12.4 miles 118°2025-02-06 05:53:01
GASLOG WELLINGTON12.6 miles 290°2025-02-06 11:02:11 RHOURD ENOUSS12.6 miles 325°2025-02-03 01:44:19
TIARA12.7 miles 305°2025-02-04 13:10:23 GAZ HORIZON12.9 miles 295°2025-02-04 05:29:58
VIRENT13.1 miles 294°2025-02-05 18:11:33 FMT URLA13.1 miles 151°2025-01-31 19:45:08
CERS13.2 miles 280°2025-02-04 01:36:51 MEMNUNE K13.2 miles 293°2025-01-24 00:20:13
HG ROTTERDAM13.2 miles 351°2025-02-04 05:34:05 PRAGUE13.2 miles 290°2025-02-05 19:40:17
PINGHE13.4 miles 291°2025-02-04 16:01:57 ETG SOUTHERN CROSS13.4 miles 293°2025-02-01 13:22:44
ATLANTIC NORTH13.4 miles 295°2025-01-31 02:06:02 YAMATO SPIRIT13.4 miles 120°2025-02-03 16:49:49
JOURI13.8 miles 342°2025-02-04 20:23:24 LISTIGA14.1 miles 293°2025-02-04 15:20:09
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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