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Callsign, ship name or locator: Clear       
Stations near current position of DJ4JZ-N
callsign distance last heard - UTC      callsign distance last heard - UTC
FW95152.6 km 263°2025-03-13 20:54:29 DK2AS-92.6 km 263°2025-03-13 20:56:03
DK2AS-102.6 km 265°2025-03-13 20:45:35 DJ0IM5.4 km 164°2025-03-13 18:05:58
DF8JF-55.8 km 271°2025-03-13 11:35:40 DF8JO-136.4 km 263°2025-03-13 20:08:22
DF8JO-16.5 km 257°2025-02-26 18:50:00 DM/RP-4566.5 km 204°2025-03-10 14:57:20
DF8JO6.5 km 261°2025-03-13 09:57:13 DF8JO-56.6 km 262°2025-03-13 12:03:05
DF8JO-96.6 km 261°2025-03-13 20:43:37 Radiation6.9 km 301°2025-03-13 20:45:06
Denkmal7.0 km 249°2025-03-13 20:44:55 DE1HBO-107.0 km 249°2025-03-05 07:00:00
DF8JO-47.0 km 255°2025-03-13 17:32:23 MORLOCK-M9.7 km 284°2025-03-13 17:24:37
DELU63-1510.9 km 147°2025-03-03 23:19:39 DG8JT-1111.4 km 255°2025-03-13 20:45:10
DG8JT-211.6 km 255°2025-03-13 20:06:32 DB0NPR-1011.6 km 255°2025-03-13 20:49:05
DB0NPR-1111.6 km 255°2025-03-12 12:13:59 DB0NPR11.6 km 255°2025-03-13 20:46:21
DG8JT-711.6 km 255°2025-03-13 08:33:27 DW800611.6 km 255°2025-03-13 20:52:10
DB0NPR B11.7 km 255°2025-03-13 20:51:06 DB0NPR-B11.7 km 255°2025-03-13 20:51:16
DG8JT11.7 km 255°2025-03-13 20:53:53 DF5PW-912.8 km 355°2025-03-13 20:56:54
Glider13.1 km 255°2025-03-13 20:25:08 DF9WC-713.8 km 176°2025-03-09 22:30:35
DF9WC-1113.8 km 176°2025-03-13 20:54:32 DF9WC-1013.8 km 176°2025-03-13 20:50:13
DO2DNI-N16.5 km 310°2025-03-13 20:55:26 DO2DNI B16.5 km 310°2025-03-13 20:41:26
DO2DNI-B16.5 km 310°2025-03-13 20:41:26 DO2DNI-D16.5 km 310°2025-03-13 20:55:16
DM4SH-117.2 km 220°2025-03-10 06:08:33 DK5JW-517.3 km 103°2025-03-06 13:50:33
DF1BO-9918.4 km 187°2025-03-13 20:27:36 DF1BO-1218.4 km 187°2025-03-13 20:56:48
DF1BO-118.4 km 187°2025-03-12 22:50:53 DF1BO-918.4 km 187°2025-03-13 20:31:11
DK0NR18.8 km 204°2025-03-13 20:56:00 DK5JW-718.9 km 137°2025-02-14 10:18:41
DF9PV-519.2 km 213°2025-03-13 20:55:26 DF9PV-1019.2 km 213°2025-03-13 20:56:40
DF9PV-819.2 km 213°2025-03-13 20:53:04 24492234519.5 km 194°2025-03-09 12:50:32
ADELINE19.5 km 191°2025-03-13 20:48:46 KARINA219.6 km 191°2025-02-21 16:57:23
BLUE FROUKJE19.6 km 190°2025-03-13 15:41:42 VIKING ORVAR19.7 km 192°2025-03-12 10:59:42
THEODELA L19.7 km 190°2025-03-13 20:53:49 MARINO19.7 km 190°2025-03-13 20:48:46
44608324919.8 km 189°2025-03-10 01:25:34 KALTENENGERS 77-119.8 km 198°2025-03-12 19:16:10
DL2FW-519.8 km 217°2025-02-14 16:32:24 DF1WS19.8 km 183°2025-03-12 09:05:09
EILTANK 7019.8 km 190°2025-03-13 20:53:49 OVAL19.9 km 198°2025-03-13 13:55:57
GITTE20.2 km 189°2025-03-13 20:53:49 DM/RP-42620.2 km 155°2025-03-07 20:59:43
EUROPA20.2 km 189°2025-03-10 13:25:49 DB0RPL B20.2 km 156°2025-03-13 20:38:57
DB0RPL-B20.2 km 156°2025-03-13 20:39:07 DB0RPL-DP20.2 km 156°2025-03-13 20:44:43
DB0RPL-R20.2 km 156°2025-03-13 20:44:57 DB0RPL-D20.2 km 156°2025-03-13 20:45:07
MY WAY20.3 km 200°2025-03-08 19:12:38 DN9TL20.4 km 215°2025-03-10 16:58:26
DESTINY20.4 km 188°2025-03-06 17:32:41 SEJONA20.4 km 188°2025-03-13 04:47:01
MIRADOR20.5 km 188°2025-03-13 06:52:56 SCHWELGERN20.6 km 217°2025-03-13 20:33:40
DO5PAP-920.6 km 219°2025-03-04 13:15:58 PIZ SARDONA20.7 km 216°2025-03-13 20:53:49
dh0pat-i20.8 km 209°2025-03-13 08:28:31 CALYPSO20.8 km 187°2025-03-13 20:53:49
DO7SHN20.8 km 223°2025-03-13 19:42:08 DO7SHN-1020.8 km 223°2025-03-13 19:04:51
DB0NKA20.8 km 229°2025-03-13 20:55:55 DO7SHN-720.9 km 223°2025-03-13 20:56:20
BITUMINA21.0 km 214°2025-03-13 20:53:49 VENEZIA21.1 km 218°2025-03-13 08:38:41
VOLONTA21.2 km 220°2025-03-13 18:52:56 CAESAR21.2 km 213°2025-03-12 10:59:42
BLUE INGE21.3 km 220°2025-03-11 21:39:10 LICHTENSTEIN21.3 km 184°2025-02-26 07:28:11
MZB FEUERWEHRNEUWIED21.4 km 212°2025-03-11 11:29:56 OHF7321.4 km 220°2025-03-13 05:07:10
STADT VALLENDAR21.5 km 180°2025-03-13 14:00:59 WILHELM21.5 km 180°2025-03-07 04:31:59
OHF 27921.5 km 220°2025-03-13 20:28:38 RENOIR21.5 km 203°2025-03-13 20:53:49
THALIA21.6 km 212°2025-03-08 14:15:16 HERIK 6921.6 km 205°2025-03-13 20:53:49
ISIS21.6 km 205°2025-03-13 13:50:55 ULTIMO21.6 km 205°2025-03-13 20:53:49
RHEINTANK 3421.6 km 210°2025-03-13 14:41:16 FEUWERWEHR IRLICH21.6 km 206°2025-03-11 11:40:01
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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