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Search results for VK*

Found 243 targets:

callsign age comment
VK4RAR-3 4m5sRockhampton Mt Archer Repeater U=13.6V
VK4RAI-3 5m59sIpswich & District Radio Club U=13.3V.
VK6HGR-1 24m17sBBS - and Igate.
VK3RPG-2 21m17sW2 APRS Digi -The Grampians-
VK3RGR-1 18m24sW2 APRS Digi - Wangaratta
VK5RPL-1 312d 4h12mPt Lincoln Uidigi PF75VF
VK4RBD-3 2m59sBlackdown Tableland - Battery 13.9,V Building Temp 26.0C
VK4RHR-3 11m7sHodgson Range - Battery 14.1,V Building Temp 30.8C
VK3RMG-1 6m4sAPRS Digipeater - Yea -
VK3RAW-1 22m47sW2 APRS Digipeater - Albury/Wodonga - (2)
VK4RSP-3 19m26sSpringsure Repeater - Battery 13.8,V Building Temp ??.?C
VK4RGA-3 8m7s13.7V 18C Kroombit Tops Digi Repeater 938M ASL
VK4RSA-3 10m18sSarina Solar Site T=27.0C
VK3RBU-1 1m43sBallarat AU
VK7VKK-9 85d 1h44mecholink vk7vkk-L
VK5RAC-1 18m1sEyre Pen. Ui-Digi PF75XO @330m
VK4RGT-3 19m23sGARC Digi=13.9V,T=43.9C
VK2BLO-1 28m39sEcholink 270506 on 439.050 Orange
VK2VK-9 205d 1h16mMT-RTG Russ QTH Coffs Harbour
VK3AS 7m11sSharkRF openSPOT3
VK7HSE-4 6m26sRasPi iGate & Digi
VK2UNI 9d 7h3m
VK2YMI-9 20d 3h10mTT4
VK4EA-9 33d 3h54mmonster truck
VK1KCM-5 2m25sVK1KCM iGate
VK2BLO-5 12m18sI-Gate Digipeater Orange.
VK6RTH-3 107d 3h14m...WARG.ORG.AU
VK2IBA-9 34d 23h9mG'Day
VK2RWK-1 7m22sWICEN Wark's Hill Batt:13.5V Temp:25C
VK2XSO 2m2s14.2V 36C CNT00000
VK6RAW-3 12d 5h10m12.4V 28C
VK2HRD-9 6d 15h27m
VK2XSO-1 1m56s12.6V 43C New England & Oxley Wild Rivers Digipeater Walcha
VK7HSE-1 6m26sRasPi iGate & Digi
VK2CRT 1d 7h2mSharkRF openSPOT3
VK2RAP-3 3m51s13.6V 29C BRARC RPTR 147.275 MHZ 123 hz TONE
VK6AHR-3 61d 3h26mHARG.ORG.AU
VK4RBW-3 4m46sBundaberg Amateur Radio Club
VK2RGF-1 45sW2 Digi Leeton
VK2UWP-1 11d 8h59mLake Macquarie RX-Only iGate
VK2RMM-3 22m14s13.7V 17C BRARC APRS Digi TENTERFIELD RPTR 147.375 TONE 123Hz
VK4RSM-13 13m56s12.9V 34C Linked to VK4RAI
VK4VH-9 21m49sMT-RTG Steve
VK2RPM-1 4m45sAPRS DIGI Middle Brother , Port Macquarie
VK2RF-9 104d 22h11mCruising easy!
VK2MJV-8 25d 20h29mDDCom Nissan Cab
VK2XSE-9 13d 4h57m
VK2XSE-1 17m22sGriffith Tx-iGate
VK7DG-9 1d 1h50m/Hyundai + TT4 Alpha
VK7ZRO-2 15m33sGlenorchy Rx-only iGate, TNC-X,WRT54GS-9, APRX
VK4GMC-9 1m14sMT-RTG
VK2RMY-1 40d 3h49mVK2RMY Mt Yarrahapinni APRS Digi U=13.8V
VK2CPR-9 2h29mOn BM 505
VK2RHR-1 3m44sSouthern Highlands W1 Digi U=14.0V,T=38.6C
VK2NQ-9 57d 3h19mZBP000 Slow
VK2XRC-9 33d 2h33mTinyTrak3
VK2RAY 4m2sVK3ERW aprslog
VK4IGM-9 24d 3h42mMT-AIO
VK4ZZ-9 40d 19h54m12.2V 35C - stopped. Hmm - a nice DXpedition site !
VK2HL-9 4h22mOutlander PHEV 4.38V 46.6C
VK6KHV-1 3m11sPHG5130 OF78WE 14.0V 23.3C Marangaroo 6064
VK3RMV-1 14m9sMt Dundas AU
VK2HL-3 129d 2h48m145.175MHz 4.17V 37.6C
VK7MBD-1 8m52sW1 DIGI, 13.8V 31C
VK2HFF-9 2m19sPatrol 34°C 12.55v
VK2OB 1m20sWeather station Cardiff, NSW.
VK3RHO-1 24m2sW2 APRS Digi -Mt Hotham- (1)
VK7RMD 16m32sW3,TASn Mt Duncan U=13.8V
VK7HSE-2 1m45sRx-only SatGate - Kingston TAS 7050 [QE37pa]
VK2OB-13 3m21s
VK2RZ-1 7m36sVK2RZ IGate. Node (-7), BBS (-1) & RMS (-10) on 147.575MHz
VK2HFG-5 15m51sW1 igate Marrar
VK7DIK 4m30sWX3in1Plus2.0 Ulverstone Tasmania U=13.8V
VK5ATN-2 3d 18h9mWX3in1Plus2.0 ,Balaklava iGate
VK2VE-3 1d 49mMT-RTG
VK2WIR-5 7m43sWICEN Silver Trailer 13.6V
VK4KLL-3 2m53sFill in Digi U=13.8V,T=29.8C
VK3BYD 54d 20h50m
VK2WIC-5 6m55sWICEN Yellow WoW 13.2V
VK7RDR 3m7sEcholink Node 337626 VK7RDR-R linked to VK7RDR(70cm)
VK4YPB-7 150d 22h11m
VK5EU-8 1d 25mMT-RTG
VK5EU-9 16d 20h39mTinyTrak3
VK5EU-11 3h49mTinyTrak3
VK2HFG-9 19h16mRangie
VK2BLR-1 2m3s13.6V 34C Parkes W2 Digi Echolink on 146.425MHz
VK2HFJ-5 5m45sCoolamon WIDE1 2m Tx IGate
VK2HFJ-9 95d 19h22mDirty Disco - Battery: 12.608 V
VK4RDL-3 13m17sClairview - BATT=13.8V.
VK3DPW-1 44d 1h17m/VK3DPW WICEN Test
VK2BLO-13 271d 19h48mEmail :
VK3RHD 12m59s438.325MHz -700 Horsham Digital Repeater -
VK4SKI-7 355d 20h11m
VK2XRC-8 17d 1h31mMT-RTG
VK5ZX-5 10m30sWX3in1Plus2.0 U=13.9V,Temp=39.4C Freeling Sth Aus IGate PF95JN.
VK2HFJ-7 93d 21h37mWork Ute
VK3MS-9 28d 3h48m
VK4TW-8 3d 4h11m11.9V 34C
VK7ZAB-9 6h48mMT-RTG vk7zab also-on-the-road
VK3MAW 11d 9h55m
VK3JBM-9 6d 3h41mJamesMutch.TECH MT-RTG
VK3UK-12 3d 1h30mMicroTrak RTG50
VK3APJ-9 3h41mAndrew Mobile.. In the D40
VK4RBT-1 5m10sWX3in1Mini
VK2BLO-EL 136d 23h58mWatching it all go by ..
VK2RZ-6 59d 59mVK2RZ-6 73s from Sydney
VK2BLO-2 180d 10h35m
VK2ZAZ-10 8m56sMiniWX Station Potato Point (v1.1fA)
VK4ARD-4 128d 46m12.7V 44C VK4ARD Yards
VK4ARD-1 250d 8h58m12.1V 18C VK4ARD Little Collinses
VK4ARD-2 53d 12h44m12.3V 26C VK4ARD Collinses 1&2
VK4ARD-10 53m8s18.0V 39C VK4ARD Middle Dam
VK4ARD-3 100d 23h58m12.8V 45C VK4ARD Curragh Paddock
VK4ARD-11 9m10s12.4V 39C VK4ARD Coal Mine Dam
VK5AH-12 24d 1h15mYACC on Home PC
VK4RJW-3 1m24sVK4RJW iGate Digipeater Rockhampton U=12.4V,T=27.7C/81.8F
VK3TMO 95d 23h25mTommo.
VK3MDH-10 321d 19h57mAPRS-IS for Win32
VK4DJC-9 183d 29mSharkRF openSPOT3
VK1UP-10 66d 23h3m
VK8MT-3 9m22s2m SDR iGate (Pi-B+)
VK2XSE-10 3d 21h30mDolphin BEV
VK5RWR-5 9m34sWX3in1Plus2.0 Volts=13.7V,Temp=41.8C
VK2HMD 4m15sWX3in1Plus2.0 U=12.2V
VK2RBE-1 11m8sBethungra digi
VK3ZAZ-9 7d 2h52m146.500MHz
VK4HSV-8 2d 6h16mMT-RTG
VK2RBA-1 4m29sBombalaW1 Digigate U=14.3V,T=39.0C
VK3YV-9 4m46sLANDCRUISER 146.500 MHZ
VK4HG 83d 22h14mG'day FTM400XD
VK4RWN-3 1h48mWowan Digi U=14.7V.
VK5AH-3 88d 16h38mVK5AH-3 APRS TNC2- Portable
VK5RBV-1 19m55sPLXDigi Barossa Valley Digi PF95MK 580m ASL
VK2BOS-9 3d 4h36m
VK2RGA-1 1h6mRankins Springs digi
VK5ADE-9 8d 5h26mMT-RTG
VK2RCK-1 16d 1h16mCookardinia local digi
VK4WZ-9 2d 21h44mKeith - from Bundy
VK4TDI-8 343d 1h59m12.2V HDOP00.4 SATS10
VK5AMB-9 67d 1h38mMT-RTG
VK3ZAZ-10 2d 55m11.6V 31C APRS Hamilton Solar Powered System
VK4WZ-1 4m52sKeith - from Bundy
VK4WZ-8 16m51s
VK2COW-1 19m31sAprx v1.97 LoRa RX only iGate on 441.5 MHz, 125 kHz BW, SF 10
VK2WIV-5 105d 22h23mWICEN VRA-62 Batt:12.3V Temp:16C
VK4RPR-3 7d 10h15mIpswich & District Radio Club U=13.5V.
VK5COL-10 130d 3h45mAntenna on 60ft Tower
VK4JY-2 10d 13h35mMT-RTG 50
VK5LO-9 1d 3h37m#215 3.92V
VK6MRG-8 5m51s13.4V 40CHello from VK6MRG Ute
VK2COW-3 19m31sAprx v1.97 LoRa RX only iGate on 441.5 MHz, 125 kHz BW, SF 10
VK5RLD-1 7m30sPLXDigi 13.7V ??.?C
VK7AX 311d 14h31mA=060APRSpro for iPhone 3.28V@29% hE<8m West Ulverstone
VK4ARD-6 16d 6h55m12.5V 31C VK4ARD Burngrove
VK5FI-1 81d 4h6mPLXDigi U=14.1V Taylors Gap Digi 452m ASL
VK2OB-5 3m45sReceive Only PiGate testing...
VK5NIG-9 260d 3h22mI'm out and about. 73s
VK5KFB-15 10d 16h21mListening, QSY 10.125 .
VK4JJY 328d 15h56mIpswich Post Office Clock Tower
VK2LJ-1 7m49sWX3in1Plus2.0 King Valley Victoria
VK2LJ-9 20d 7h2m
VK3DXC-10 54d 22h2mAPRS-IS for Win32
VK6MRG-6 2d 23h13mHello from MATTY G
VK7ZSB 17d 18h55mMT-RTG
VK3PMR 351d 7h9mAPRS-IS for Win32
VK2BN-1 17m41sViscous digi/iGate
VK3SAW-1 125d 1h52m
VK3SAW-3 84d 22h42mWVJOTA Fox Hunting 1
VK3SAW-5 125d 1h28mWVJOTA Fox Hunting 2
VK3SAW-4 125d 1h20mWVJOTA Geocaching
VK4YPB-10 41d 8h17mLoRa APRS
VK4VH-8 119d 22h1mSteve: Mobile
VK4YPB-5 41d 7h59m
VK4RBO-3 20m15sIpswich & District Radio Club U=14.0V
VK7QF-9 5d 32mFabulous Ian
VK5RPA-1 14m25sV=14.0V. T=42.8C
VK4ZZ-6 352d 18h8m
VK4JMP-9 165d 5h7mJabiru 24-7293
VK1SV-5 197d 4h32mAprx v1.97 LoRa RX only iGate. BW 125kHz, 441.5 SF10
VK3DAN-10 299d 3h1mVK3DAN Homebrew Raspi+Arduino Tx-iGate+digipeater
VK1SV-4 286d 5h4mAprx v1.97 LoRa RX only iGate. BW 125kHz, 441.5 SF10, 2400.5 MHz SF12
VK4MDE-9 327d 5h15mMT-RTG
VK2VEL 166d 12h37mRX iGate
VK2YBB-8 160d 33m
VK5OG-11 191d 16h1mAPRS-IS for Win32
VK2AUJ-9 2d 5h44mCar
VK5ZLR-9 8d 1h40m
VK4JRO-3 12m32s
VK4RBW-1 288d 3h1m
VK2AAV-1 8m34sVK2AAV telemetry data
VK2JUZ-1 4mGoulburn W1 Digi U=12.7V,T=5.3C
VK5LO-10 267d 2h42mLoRa T-Echo Tracker
VK5FI-4 264d 2h39mV=15.4V. T=??.?C
VK2CIM-10 86d 1h44m!ENROUTE!APRS-IS for Win32
VK3FUR-5 5m44s145.175/439.100 VK3FUR-5 Zork VK3FUR-10 Winlink VK3FUR-11 FBB BBS VK3FUR-12 Linux term
VK3FUR-4 5m44s145.175/439.100 VK3FUR-5 Zork VK3FUR-10 Winlink VK3FUR-11 FBB BBS VK3FUR-12 Linux term
VK7RCH 8m21sW3,TASn Hobart
VK2RWG-1 226d 17h52mWagga Wagga digi/igate
VK3ZAZ-15 2d 56m06.6V 46C
VK2HFG-15 23d 7h11mRangie
VK3VDP-8 70d 1h25mAPRS-IS for Win32
VK2RTU-1 202d 1h11mTumbarumba local digi
VK2RNS-1 10m51sVK2RNS HADARC repeater. 2m FM 147.250MHz, 70cm 439.975 MHz D-STAR and P25.
VK2MOB-5 40sVK2MOB Kempsey U=12.2V,T=31.5C
VK2XRX-9 175d 20h31m
VK2BTQ-11 132d 4h46mAPRS Voyager U=13.9V.
VK2MCA-9 155d 3h8mMT-RTG 50 Forester CJS-46S
VK4YPB-6 48d 2h36m
VK2SLM-10 97d 23h51mLoRa APRS iGATE & WINLINK 433.775
VK2SLM-5 100d 17h8m
VK4HAA-3 5h13mLoRa APRS
VK2JHG-9 107d 16h33m
VK2BLO-17 90d 3h49mEmail
VK4OO 92d 5h46mvk4oo testing only
VK8ZM-6 2h1mSatgate Alice Springs, NT, AU
VK8ZM-1 62d 18h59mASP QTH
VK4HG-3 67d 22h56mTinyTrak4 Alpha
VK5BRC-1 6m2sPLXDigi Taylors Gap Digi 442m ASL PF95KQ.
VK7TW-6 72d 18h55m
VK5VAB-9 27sListening 2m Elizabeth
VK7KPC-10 68d 20h18mcoverage test
VK8ZM-10 62d 18h43mvia APRSdroid
VK8ZM-5 15d 19h33mAlice Springs Igate
VK2HRD-8 27d 6h48mMT-AIO
VK2TLQ-9 2m51s12.5V 36C
VK2TTG-3 2d 1h1mVK2TTG Mobile
VKFBNG-5 20m45sVK2FBNG Cowra digi/igate on behalf of W.A.R.C. WARC.ORG.AU
VK2GPW-1 12d 3h6mTinyTrak3
VK2SNR-9 1d 18h20mJOTA Bus
VK2GTH-8 1d 18h49mBat=3.67V (-86mA)
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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