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APRS object U4825457 - show graphs
Source callsign: BM2MWA-11
Comment: Clb=-10.7m/s p=730.7hPa t=18.0C h=55.2% 400.30MHz Type=RS41-SGP
Location: 25°09.10' N 120°41.06' E - locator PL05ID26CJ - show map
29.6 miles Northwest bearing 317° from Zhubei, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan [?]
29.9 miles Northwest bearing 324° from Hsinchu, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan
53.5 miles West bearing 278° from Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
69.4 miles North bearing 0° from Taichung, T’ai-chung Hsien, Taiwan, Taiwan
Last position: 2023-07-26 21:12:18 EDT (336d 6h20m ago)
2023-07-27 09:12:18 CST local time at Zhubei, Taiwan [?]
Altitude: 9038 ft
Course: 184°
Speed: 7 MPH
Last path: BM2MWA-11>APRS via qAU,BM2MWA-2
Positions stored: 716
Others sourced by BM2MWA-11: N2920908 N2920918 T4721215 T4730479 T4730661 T4730663 T4730972 T4740235 T4740257 T4740279 T4740402 U3460229 U3460230 U3460233 U3460234 U3460251 U3460252 U3634806 U3634811 U3634812 U3634813 U3634825 U3644007 U3644008 U3644009 U3644012 U3644046 U3644047 U3644060 U3644063 U3644077 U3644079 U3644083 U3644084 U3644098 U3644101 U3644102 U3644103 U3644104 U3644105 U3644106 U3644107 U3644108 U3644111 U3644112 U3644113 U3644114 U3644158 U3644160 U3644161 U3644163 U3644164 U3644165 U3644166 U3644167 U3644168 U3714358 U3714669 U3714670 U3714672 U3714703 U3714704 U3714705 U3714707 U3714709 U3714710 U3714711 U3714713 U3714714 U3714726 U3714799 U3714801 U3724019 U3724021 U3724301 U3724349 U3724350 U3724352 U3724353 U3724354 U3724356 U3724357 U3724358 U3724361 U3724362 U3724363 U3724364 U3724368 U3724369 U3724370 U3724372 U3724668 U3825106 U3825107 U3825108 U3825109 U3825110 U3825111 U3825116 U3825163 U3834043 U3834044 U3834045 U3834046 U3834047 U3834049 U3834050 U3834051 U3834052 U3834053 U3834073 U3834074 U3834075 U3834076 U3834077 U3834078 U3834217 U3834351 U3834355 U3834356 U3834357 U3834359 U3834360 U3834361 U3834362 U3834364 U3834366 U3834367 U3834368 U3834369 U3834370 U3834371 U3834372 U3834685 U3834686 U3834688 U3834689 U3834690 U3834696 U3834697 U3834698 U3834699 U3834702 U3834764 U3834766 U3834775 U3834776 U3834787 U3834788 U3834789 U3834790 U3834792 U3834793 U3834794 U3834795 U3834796 U3834797 U3834799 U3834800 U3834801 U3834802 U3834803 U3834804 U3834805 U3834807 U3834808 U3834809 U3834810 U3834816 U3834823 U3834824 U3834826 U3834827 U4624691 U4624692 U4624693 U4624694 U4624695 U4624696 U4624698 U4624699 U4624700 U4624701 U4624702 U4624703 U4624704 U4624705 U4624706 U4624707 U4624708 U4624709 U4624710 U4624711 U4624712 U4624713 U4624714 U4624715 U4624716 U4624717 U4624718 U4624719 U4624720 U4624845 U4624850 U4624851 U4624852 U4624877 U4624878 U4624879 U4624880 U4624881 U4624882 U4634044 U4634048 U4634049 U4634050 U4634051 U4634052 U4634053 U4634054 U4634073 U4634074 U4634075 U4634234 U4634368 U4634370 U4634371 U4634372 U4634379 U4634382 U4634383 U4634393 U4634394 U4634395 U4634402 U4634409 U4634410 U4634411 U4634412 U4634413 U4634414 U4634455 U4634456 U4634476 U4634477 U4634480 U4634487 U4634488 U4634489 U4634490 U4634491 U4634492 U4634493 U4634494 U4634538 U4634539 U4634540 U4634541 U4634542 U4634543 U4634544 U4634545 U4634546 U4634553 U4634554 U4634555 U4634556 U4634557 U4634558 U4634559 U4634560 U4634563 U4634564 U4634567 U4634568 U4634572 U4634574 U4634576 U4634607 U4634608 U4634609 U4634610 U4634611 U4634612 U4634613 U4634614 U4634615 U4634616 U4634617 U4634618 U4634620 U4634625 U4634626 U4634627 U4634628 U4634629 U4634955 U4634956 U4634957 U4634958 U4634959 U4634960 U4634963 U4644172 U4644179 U4644180 U4644200 U4644223 U4644224 U4644225 U4644283 U4644284 U4644285 U4644286 U4644287 U4644288 U4644302 U4644304 U4644306 U4644373 U4644374 U4644375 U4644377 U4644378 U4644379 U4644382 U4644385 U4644386 U4644409 U4644410 U4644422 U4644423 U4644425 U4644426 U4644434 U4644435 U4644436 U4644437 U4644438 U4644488 U4644491 U4644513 U4644517 U4644518 U4644519 U4644520 U4644521 U4644522 U4644524 U4644527 U4644528 U4644529 U4644530 U4644531 U4644532 U4644533 U4644534 U4644536 U4644537 U4644539 U4644540 U4644548 U4644549 U4644552 U4825447 U4825448 U4825449 U4825450 U4825451 U4825452 U4825453 U4825455 U4825456 U4825458 U4825459 U4825461 U4825462 U4825463 U4825464 U4825465 U4825466 U4825467 U4825468 U4825469 U4825470 U4825471 U4825473 U4825474 U4825475 U4825476 U4825483 U4825485 U4825486 U4825487 U4825488 U4825489 U4825490 U4825491 U4825492 U4825493 U4825494 U4825495 U4825497 U4825498 U4825499 U4825500 U4825501 U4825503 U4825504 U4825505 U4825508 U4825509 U4834286 U4834447 U4834566 U4834962 U4834966 U4834968 U4944151 U4944152 U4944154 U4944165 U4944167 U4944170 U4944171 U4944174 U4944175 U4944177 U4944179 U4944181 U4944182 U4944185 U4944186 U4944199 U4944200 U4944270 U4944271 U4944272 U4944273 U4944274 U4944275 U4944276 U4944289 U4944290 U4944303 U4944306 U4944309 V3230072 V3230113 V3230124 V3230160 V3230256 V3230257 V3230263 V3230403 V3231189 V3231190 V3231191 V3231192 V3231193 V3231220 V3231238 V3231268 V3231269 V3231270 V3231291 V3231296 V3231307 V3231315 V3231319 V3231329 V3231332 V3231335 V3231339 V3231340 V3231341 V3231342 V3231343 V3231349 V3231350 V3231357 V3231358 V3231388 V3231389 V3231390 V3231391 V3231400 V3231401 V3231402 V3231403 V3231408 V3231417 V3231419 V3231420 V3231436 V3231437 V3231438 V3231439 V3231445
Stations near current position of U4825457 - show more
callsign distance last heard - EDT      callsign distance last heard - EDT
ROBERTA3.4 miles 107°2024-06-05 03:53:33 NCC REEM6.9 miles 219°2024-06-05 03:51:33
OCEAN PEGASUS10.7 miles 314°2024-06-05 04:01:34 V443028217.2 miles 152°2024-06-24 21:18:56
NING HUA 41817.7 miles 30°2024-06-05 03:52:33 V443013919.7 miles 165°2024-06-24 09:24:34
V443011321.6 miles 157°2024-06-23 09:06:48 V444005921.8 miles 144°2024-06-23 21:04:20
EVER LUCKY22.3 miles 300°2024-06-05 04:00:18 V443022423.1 miles 145°2024-06-25 09:13:06
416008906 TW23.8 miles 107°2024-06-05 03:45:33 GENCO ARDENNES24.9 miles 301°2024-06-05 03:38:33
FALCON COURAGE25.2 miles 315°2024-06-05 04:00:34 MSC TIANSHAN26.1 miles 313°2024-06-05 03:59:33
V443022326.3 miles 123°2024-06-25 21:13:17 BV3UJ-728.7 miles 132°2024-06-23 18:58:54
BM3IQS-128.8 miles 132°2024-06-15 05:34:08 JIN YUE29.0 miles 261°2024-06-05 03:56:33
BM3JAS-931.3 miles 101°2024-06-27 03:29:37 UNION RICH32.3 miles 306°2024-06-05 04:00:34
About this site
This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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