Callsign: | ZDHZ7 |
MMSI number: | 236399000 |
IMO number: | 322176 |
Navigational status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Vessel class: | Tanker, carrying hazard/pollutant cat A (81) |
Destination: | GBIMM (ETA Sep21 18:30) |
Location: | 51°29.53' N 0°46.51' E - locator JO01JL38AD - show map 6.0 km North bearing 10° from Sheerness, Kent, England, United Kingdom [?] 6.2 km Southeast bearing 149° from Southchurch Village, Borough of Southend-on-Sea, England, United Kingdom 60.0 km East bearing 92° from City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom 62.3 km East bearing 91° from London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Last position: | 2024-10-05 13:00:15 UTC (19h24m ago) 2024-10-05 14:00:15 BST local time at Sheerness, United Kingdom [?] |
Course: | 276.0° – heading 274° |
Speed: | 18 km/h |
Dimensions: | length 80 m width 16 m draught 4.5 m |
Last path: | ZDHZ7>ais via GM7HHB |
Positions stored: | 184571 |